Myoshin-ji Temple, A Serene Haven of Zen Tranquility

64, Myoshinji Hanazonocho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu


Myoshinji is a temple complex consisting of a series of temples, and it does not require an entrance fee. While exploring the temples, you will move from one to another, and each temple is very serene. There are few tourists here, perhaps because it is not a World Heritage site. However, this actually adds to the tranquil charm of the place. Just sit in one of the temples, and you will be surrounded by the sound of flowing water and the calls of crows, nourishing your soul with tranquility.
64, Myoshinji Hanazonocho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu
Take a 15-minute train ride from Kyoto Station to Hanaoka Station, then walk for about 10 minutes to reach the temple gate.