Nison-in, A Serene Red Maple Sanctuary

27 Monzenchōjin-chō, Nison-in, Saga Ukyō-ku
A maple leaf next to Tangmen is fiery red


Nison-in Temple is located in Sagano, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. It is a Tendai sect temple with the mountain name "Kogurasan" and the official name "Kogurasan Nisonkyoin Kedaiji". The main deities of the temple are Shakyamuni Buddha and Amida Buddha. The temple was founded by Ennin and received the patronage of Emperor Saga. Entering through the main gate of Nison-in, you can see the famous "Horse Racing Path of Red Leaves", which is a gathering place for autumn foliage. Additionally, within the grounds of Nison-in, there are remnants of the Time Shower Pavilion, which is said to have been the residence of Fujiwara no Teika, the author of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.
27 Monzenchōjin-chō, Nison-in, Saga Ukyō-ku