Chion-in, Escape into Serenity at a Majestic Temple

400, Hayashishita-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu
Chion-in Temple, a sacred temple in Kyoto, Japan


Chion-in Temple is one of the most important temples of the Jodo sect. Every New Year's Eve, 108 bells ring here, symbolizing the dispelling of misfortune from the previous year. The Sanmon gate of Chion-in is the largest gate in Japan, and the Chion-in Bell on the temple square is the largest Buddhist bell in Japan. In addition, Chion-in is home to the world's largest prayer beads, measuring over 110 meters in length. The main hall also houses many valuable treasures.
400, Hayashishita-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu
Opening hours
9:00-16:30, latest entry not later than 16:00.
Buses: Routes 12, 31, 46, 201, 203, and 206, stop at the Zhi'en Temple Front Station.