Ginkaku-ji, A Zen oasis of tranquility and elegance

2 Ginkaku-ji-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi
Ashikaga Yoshimasa built a Kannon temple within the temple


Ginkaku-ji, also known as Jisho-ji, is a temple belonging to the Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism and is considered a representative of the Higashiyama culture in Japan. It was originally built as a villa by the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa in the late 15th century and later converted into a temple according to his will. Visitors to Ginkaku-ji can appreciate the unique style of the Higashiyama culture, with features such as the Kannon Hall and Togudo hall preserved in their original form. In December 1994, Ginkaku-ji was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site, becoming part of Kyoto's cultural treasures.
2 Ginkaku-ji-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi
Opening hours
March to November 8:30am-5:00pm
December to February 9:00am-4:30pm
Taking Kyoto City Bus to Ginkaku-ji Temple and get off at the bus stop, then walk for 5 minutes. Multiple bus routes are available.