Cheng Ho Cultural Museum, A Tribute to the Maritime Silk Road

51 Lg Hang Jebat
A very sincere memorial hall


To celebrate the 600th anniversary of Zheng He's voyages to the West, the Chinese community in Singapore and Malaysia jointly invested 30 million yuan to build the Zheng He Cultural Museum on the site of the Zheng He Warehouse in Melaka. The museum covers a total area of 8,000 square meters and is divided into three floors, showcasing Zheng He's three major parts in China, Melaka, and his treasure ship. The museum displays hundreds of porcelain, seafood, and model ships that Zheng He brought back from his voyages, as well as scenes from the lives of crew members on board. In the Chinese section, there is also a tea house and a Zheng He souvenir center, allowing visitors to experience the cultural atmosphere of ancient China.
51 Lg Hang Jebat
Opening hours
Monday through Thursday 09:00 - 18:00 Friday through Sunday 09:00 - 19:00