Masjid Putra, A Pink Marvel on the Lake

Masjid Putra, Persiaran Perdana, Presinct 11, Putrajaya, 62519, Malaysia
The meaning is the common development of Islam and science


The Butra Mosque, also known as the Pink Mosque, located next to the lake, attracts a large number of tourists because of its unique pink exterior. Looking from afar, it resembles a blooming lotus on the surface of the lake, and the roof of the building also uses the same soft pink tone. In addition, there is an underground restaurant next to the mosque, overlooking the lake and offering a variety of cuisine such as Malay and Indian food, as well as a Nando's chain restaurant, which is very convenient. The fountain square in front is a must-visit place for tourist buses, where there is a constant stream of people and it is extremely bustling.

Must-go rating

Not worth it


Bus transportation
Masjid Putra, Persiaran Perdana, Presinct 11, Putrajaya, 62519, Malaysia
Take the LRT Blue Line to Putrajaya station, then transfer to the U42 bus to Masjid Putrajaya station, and get off; or take the 901 bus to Masjid Putrajaya station and get off.