Haewundae, A beach getaway for all seasons

264 Haeundae Beach Road, Haeundae-gu, Busan Metropolitan City (U-dong)
Beach scenery is very nice


Haeundae Beach is a famous coastal resort in South Korea, known as the representative beach of Busan. It stretches 1.5 kilometers long and is 30-50 meters wide, with an average water depth of 1 meter and an area of 58,400 square meters. The long white sandy beach, beautiful coastline, and calm waters attract a large number of visitors seeking relaxation and summer retreat. It is not only popular during the summer, but also attracts domestic and international tourists in every season. Haeundae Beach also hosts various festivals and events throughout the year, such as the Lunar New Year's Day moon viewing celebration, Polar Bear Winter Swimming Competition, sand sculpture exhibition, and Busan Sea Festival. With complete surrounding attractions and facilities, visitors can fully enjoy their vacation here. In addition, Haeundae is also recognized as one of the Eight Scenic Spots of South Korea and is considered an international-level beach resort. The hot spring foot bath pools are particularly popular among tourists, offering free services and receiving multiple awards and nominations. The 2009 movie "Haeundae" also added a touch of mystery to Haeundae Beach.

Must-go rating

Must go


Free parking
264 Haeundae Beach Road, Haeundae-gu, Busan Metropolitan City (U-dong)
Opening hours
Rest day
No break in the middle of the year.