Samsung art museum Leeum, A Fusion of Traditional and Modern Art

60-16, Litaeyang-ro 55-gil, Yonggang-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Special City, South Korea
Museum of Ancient Korean Art and Children's Art Exhibition


Leeum, the Samsung Museum of Art, is located at the top of Namsan Mountain, overlooking the Han River, providing a fusion stage for historical, contemporary, and future art creation. The museum was created by Swiss architect Mario Botta, French architect Jean Nouvel, and Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, and includes three parts: the traditional museum1, the modern permanent exhibition hall museum2, and the Samsung Children's Education and Culture Center. The design styles of the three buildings are unique, reflecting their respective cultures and historical atmospheres. Among them, museum1 is built with symbolic red clay bricks representing earth and fire, showcasing the beauty of traditional Korean ceramics. Museum2 is one of the earliest designs in the world to use stainless steel and glass. The black cement installation of the Samsung Children's Education and Culture Center foreshadows the theme of future space. The traditional museum primarily showcases various items from Korean art history, such as ceramics, calligraphy and painting, Buddhist art, and crafts. Both in terms of quantity and quality, the traditional artworks here enjoy a reputation in the country. Even during the "G20 Summit" held in November 2010, the first ladies of various countries visited here, which is enough to prove that it is one of the representative beautiful destinations in Korea. In addition, Leeum offers various experiential activities, such as calligraphy experience, which require advance reservation. Additionally, Leeum has facilities such as cafes and supermarkets for visitors to relax and shop.
60-16, Litaeyang-ro 55-gil, Yonggang-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Special City, South Korea
Opening hours
10:30-18:00 (Ticket sales end at 17:00)
Line 6 of the subway, exit 1 at Hanjiang Town Station > head towards the direction of Litaoyuan > turn right at the first intersection on the right side and walk inside for about 5 minutes.