Valley of the Kings, A journey through time in the Valley of Eternity

Sharia Maabad al Karnak Karnak East Bank
To protect the murals in the tombs


Valley of the Kings, located on the west bank of the Nile River, about 7 kilometers from the shore, can be reached from the northern end of the Hossanah Highway in Thebes. It houses the tombs of 64 pharaohs, with over 60 royal tombs spanning from the 17th Dynasty to the 20th Dynasty. The largest tomb is that of Seti I, with a massive burial chamber that spans 210 meters horizontally and descends 45 meters vertically from the entrance. The rock-cut cavern is carved into an underground palace, adorned with elaborate wall paintings and ceilings, truly incredible. The entrance to the tombs is usually halfway up the mountainside, with the patterns and hieroglyphs on the walls of the passages still remarkably clear. The main tombs worth visiting include those of Tutankhamun, Ramses III and VI, and Seti I. Some tombs are not open to the public and are reserved for scholarly research only.
Sharia Maabad al Karnak Karnak East Bank
Opening hours
6:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. the next day.