Temple of Karnak, Majestic Pillars and Timeless Splendor

Karnak, El Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
The sacred site of Ancient Egyptian belief


Karnak Temple, located 5 kilometers north of Luxor, is one of the most magnificent temples left by the ancient Egyptian Empire. It covers an area of over 30 hectares, with a large part of it well-preserved. The temple complex consists of three main parts: the Temple of Amun, dedicated to the sun god Amun; the Temple of Mut, dedicated to the war goddess Mut, wife of Amun; and the Montu Temple, with a processional avenue adorned with sphinxes leading to the Luxor Temple. The complex contains over 20 temples, the most notable of which are the colossal gateway measuring 44 meters high and 131 meters wide, and the Great Hypostyle Hall measuring 102 meters wide and 53 meters deep. The hall features 134 massive columns, with the largest 12 columns reaching a height of 23 meters and a circumference of 15 meters, capable of accommodating 50 people standing on top. Visitors can also enjoy a spectacular sound and light show in the evening, where colorful lights illuminate the temple ruins while accompanied by narration and music, providing a deeper understanding of the daily life of the ancient Egyptians.
Karnak, El Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
Opening hours
It is suggested to hire a car from Luxor city center to travel.