Yanshan Garden, A Millennium of Elegance in a Free Urban Oasis

40 Xifujie, County Seat West Street, Chengxiang town, Taicang City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu province


Taicang Park has a history of over a thousand years and was once the "Miaolian An" of the Liang Dynasty and the "Haining Temple" of the Southern Song Dynasty. The park preserves many historical relics, such as the Song Dynasty flower hanging stone relic "Wanghai Peak", the "Tonghai Spring" opened in the Ming Hongwu year, and the Yuan Dynasty's "Iron Pot" and "Ink Pavilion." In order to inherit and carry forward the art of garden design, the government carried out a comprehensive renovation and expansion of Taicang Park in 2003, and restored over 20 scenic spots such as "Diantou Stone", "Fensheng Pavilion", "Xiao Feihong", "Yanshan Hall", "Jia Shuting", and "Jiuqu Bridge" according to the creative meaning of the historical famous garden "Yanshan Garden" in Taicang. Large trees were planted and ancient buildings were restored, expanding the park from its original 66 acres to 110 acres. The park has now restored the characteristics of the gardens of the south of the Yangtze River, with small bridges, flowing water, greenery, and shady pavilions, becoming an important tourist attraction to explore the ancient charm of Taicang.
40 Xifujie, County Seat West Street, Chengxiang town, Taicang City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu province
Opening hours
07:30-17:30 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)
You can take the No.312 bus to Jinse Jiangnan Station or take the No.108 (or No.117) bus to Majiadiyuan Station on the Taicang Line, and then walk to your destination.