The Abode of Immortals, A celestial realm of ethereal beauty and nature

Shenxianju Scenic Area, Baita Town, Xianju County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province
The scenery at the mountaintop is very beautiful


Shenxianju Scenic Area is known for its natural scenery, full of primitive charm, with bamboo forests and waterfalls scattered throughout. The entire area consists of three major scenic areas: Xiyanshi, Weiqiang Mountain and Juxian Valley, with the most scenic parts at the mountain top, but requiring separate routes to reach in three different directions. The scenic area has North and South gates, with two cableways - Beihai and Nantian Bridge, or it takes about an hour’s walk to reach the mountain top. The most beautiful seasons in Shenxianju are in May, June, September and October, especially during the blooming season of lavender in June at the North entrance. Furthermore, Shenxianju has been the filming location for many TV dramas and movies such as "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" (directed by Zhang Jizhong), "Kung Fu King" and the new version of "The Bride with White Hair".
Shenxianju Scenic Area, Baita Town, Xianju County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province
Opening hours
08:00-16:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)
1. External transportation:

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