Beishan Park, A Sanctuary of Serenity Amidst Bustling City Life

51 Desheng Road, Chuanying District, Jilin City
North Mountain Park is good


Located in the city center, Jilin Beishan Park is an important tourist destination known for its famous temple and garden scenery. The park contains buildings such as Yuhuang Pavilion, Yaowang Temple, Kanli Palace, and Guandi Temple, surrounded by lush mountains and beautiful scenery. The Wo Bo Bridge divides the pond in half, where lotus flowers bloom in the summer and spread their fragrance with the wind. Among the ancient buildings of Beishan, Guandi Temple was founded in the 40th year of the Qing Dynasty, with Emperor Qianlong's calligraphy hanging on the plaque above the main hall. The Niangniang Temple Fair on April 18th and the Yaowang Temple Fair on April 28th each year attract many tourists and worshippers. Performances such as circus, acrobatics, singing and dancing, and local specialty products and cuisine can be seen during the fairs, making it a grand event in Northeast China.
51 Desheng Road, Chuanying District, Jilin City
Opening hours
06:00-18:00 (Monday-Sunday, May 1-October 31) 07:00-18:00 (Monday-Sunday, November 1-next year April 30)
Beishan Park is located in the northwest of Jilin City, Jilin Province. Bus route 7 or 42 can take you to the stop of "Beishan Park", or you can take bus routes 8, 34, 57, 61, or 234 to the stop of "Des Sheng Men" and walk west through People's Square to get there.