Botai, A Chess Game of Emperors Amidst the Clouds

Southeast side of Dongfeng Mountain, Huashan Scenic Area, Huayin City, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province
The scenery is very good


The solitary pavilion on the isolated peak beside the east peak of Huashan is one of the famous landscapes of Huashan. The Yanzifanshen dangerous road connected with the east peak makes visitors feel spiritually and physically ethereal when they reach here, as if they were in the cloud and mist like a fairy island. This place is also a famous chess spot in history - a stone pavilion was built on the betting platform, and the table inherits the residual position of Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Tu playing chess, with four stone stools beside the table. From here, visitors can climb the various peaks of Huashan. Before the Han Dynasty, visitors climbed the mountain from the Huangfu Valley on the east side, first climbed the betting platform, and this place was named after it. Legend has it that in order to thank the Taoist in Huashan for his guidance, Zhao Kuangyin, after becoming an official, came here to find him, and the two played chess here. As a result, Zhao Kuangyin lost all three games, and the proverb "losing Huashan by gambling chess" has been circulating until now.
Southeast side of Dongfeng Mountain, Huashan Scenic Area, Huayin City, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province
Opening hours
West Gate: open 24 hours a day
East Mountain Cableway: peak season 7:00-19:00, off-season 8:30-17:00
North Peak Cableway: peak season 7:00-19:00, off-season 9:00-17:00.
The scenic spot is located within the East Peak of the Huashan Scenic Area. There are several ways to get to the Huashan Scenic Area: 1. Take a train to Huashan Station and switch to a bus for 3 yuan to get to the scenic area. Alternatively, take a taxi to the scenic area for about 15-20 yuan. 2. If arriving at Huashan North Station (high-speed rail station), there is a tourist line in front of the station that can take you to the Huashan Visitor Center or Huashan Yuquan Court (hiking entrance). The tourist line bus costs 10 yuan per person. 3. At the East Square of Xi'an Railway Station, take the tourism bus "Tour 1" for about 25 yuan. The bus departs at 8:00 from the railway station, passes by the West Yue Temple, and arrives at the Yuquan Court hiking entrance. It returns from the Yuquan Court at around 17:00 and takes about 2 hours. It does not operate during the low season (January to March). In addition, there are many buses directly from Xi'an Railway Station to Huashan, priced at around 30 yuan per person. 4. At the East Bus Station of Xi'an City, there are multiple long-distance buses to Huayin City every day, with departures between 7:00 and 19:15, about every 15 minutes. The bus will stop at Huashan, where you can get off and explain to the driver that you want to go to "Huashan". To get to the East Peak: From the entrance of the Huashan Scenic Area, take the scenic area's electric car to the Yuquan Court entrance, and then start hiking. First, hike to the North Peak (the North Peak is a transit point for walking to other peaks), then go through Jinsuo Pass, Canglong Ridge, and the Middle Peak before descending from the Middle Peak to climb the East Peak.