Tianbao Fortress, A breathtaking fusion of nature and history

Located within the Shunan Bamboo Sea Scenic Area in Changning County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province
The scenery is good


Tianbao Village, also known as Tianbao Cave, is located in the Shunan Bamboo Sea Scenic Area of Yibin City, Sichuan Province. It is situated on a cliff on the southern edge of the bamboo sea, east of Xianyu Cave. The ancient village is about 1500 meters long, 20 meters high, and about 10 meters wide. The upper part of the cave is made up of rocks, most of which are natural mountain caves, but some are artificially excavated. The cliff in front of the cave is steep, and the mountain behind it is steep and winding, making it very difficult to climb. Legend has it that it was occupied by the ancient "barbarian army", while others say it was built during the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty in 1862 by the local government to resist the invasion of the Taiping Army led by Shi Dakai in western Sichuan. There are 13 unique stone gatehouses inside, with treacherous terrain, convenient defense, and difficult to attack. In the early years of the Republic of China, local wealthy people chose to move here to live due to the presence of bandits.
Located within the Shunan Bamboo Sea Scenic Area in Changning County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province
Opening hours
All day (January 1st-December 31st, Monday-Sunday)
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