Scenic Area of Seaborne Yuntai Mountain, A Haven of Maritime Splendor and Misty Peaks

Taoyuan Road, Lianyun District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province
The view from the top of the mountain is good


The scenic area boasts majestic peaks, deep gullies, lush trees, and ever-changing skies. Tourists can visit the largest natural Chinese sumac forest and flower sea "Wanshou Valley," experience the mysterious bamboo forest monastery "Wudao An," explore the densest forest in the Jianghuai region "Faqi Temple," admire the legend of the Eastern bird totem "Yuntai Divine Eagle," and appreciate the "Er Mai Jian" among the five unique scenery of "mountains, sea, harbor, island, and city" in Jiangsu. Not only that, but visitors can enjoy spring flowers, play in the sea, admire autumn leaves and winter snow scenery, with different and breathtaking views in every season.
Taoyuan Road, Lianyun District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province
Opening hours
Open hours: 08:30-16:00 (all day)
last entrance at 16:00 (Monday to Sunday)
Self-drive itinerary: