Jiaozhuanghu Tunnel Warfare Site, A Patriotic Journey into History

38 Jizhuanghu Road, Longwantun Town, Mushaolu, Shunyi District, Beijing
Famous patriotic education base


The Memorial Hall of Jiaozhuanghu Tunnel Warfare Site is located at the foot of the Wai Tuo Mountain in Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, Beijing. The museum was originally built in the autumn of 1964, named "Jiaozhuanghu Militia Struggle Historical Exhibition Hall". In October 1947, the Shunyi District Government awarded a banner to Jiaozhuanghu, to commend its honor of being "the first fortress of the people", and hung the banner on the 18-meter-high militia command lookout tower. In 1979, the Beijing Municipal Government declared it a key cultural relic protection unit at the municipal level and renamed it "Beijing Jiaozhuanghu Tunnel Warfare Site Memorial Hall". During the war years, Jiaozhuanghu Village belonged to the leadership of the Anti-Japanese Base Areas in eastern Hebei and was a necessary route to the Pingxi and Pingbei bases.
38 Jizhuanghu Road, Longwantun Town, Mushaolu, Shunyi District, Beijing
Opening hours
09:00-16:30 (all day)
last admission: 16:00 (Tuesday-Sunday, January 1-December 31) all day (Monday, January 1-December 31)