Mt. Song, A spiritual sanctuary of natural marvels

146 Zhongyue Street, Dengfeng City, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, located within the Songshan Scenic Area
Mount Song is definitely the best among the Five Sacred Mountains


Zhongyue, also known as Songshan, is one of the Five Great Mountains in China and a holy site for the Taoist Quanzhen School. It is located on the south bank of the Yellow River, with Shaolin River to the center, Taishi Mountain to the east, and Shaoshi Mountain to the west. The terrain is undulating and it is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, as well as a famous scenic area and a world geological park in China. There are many temples on the mountain, and the Songyang Academy, one of the Four Great Academies, is also located here.
146 Zhongyue Street, Dengfeng City, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, located within the Songshan Scenic Area
Opening hours
08:00-17:00 (all day)
Last entry time: 16:30 (January 1-December 31, Monday-Sunday).
Take bus line 8 in Dengfeng city and get off at Yongtai Temple bus stop. Walk for about 20 minutes to reach the temple.