Prince Slope, Architectural Marvel Crafted on Steep Slopes

Near Wudang Mountain Scenic Area, Wudang Road, Danjiangkou City, Shiyan City, Hubei Province
A must-visit scenic spot with distinct Wudang Mountain features


Taizipo Scenic Area covers attractions such as Huilongguan, Mozhenjing, Laojuntang, and Baxianguan. Although the route is long, most of it is close to the mountain tourist road, making transportation convenient. According to legend, the ancient buildings in Taizipo were designed according to the story of Zhenwu's cultivation. It is said that the Prince of Jinglèguó once practiced here, and after 42 years of cultivation, he finally succeeded and gained enlightenment, becoming the Tai Xuan and later being named the Zhenwu Emperor.
Near Wudang Mountain Scenic Area, Wudang Road, Danjiangkou City, Shiyan City, Hubei Province
Opening hours
07:30-17:00 (Monday to Friday, January 1st to December 31st) 07:00-17:30 (Saturday and Sunday, January 1st to December 31st)