Li Xue Pavilion, A testament to faith and perseverance

Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Lixue Pavilion is one of the rare historical sites in Shaolin Temple


During the Tang Dynasty, the second Patriarch Huike prayed for Dharma from the founder Damo here, and offered his severed arm as a symbol of faith. Nowadays, the temple named Lixue Ting enshrines a bronze statue of Damo, which is said to have been cast during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. The shrine is adorned with a plaque inscribed with the words "Snow-sealed Heart Jewel" written by the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, displaying the grandeur of the place and its sacredness. It was renovated in 1980 and has become a place of daily worship for the monks.
Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Opening hours
7:30-17:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1st-December 31st)