Chishui Danxia Scenic Area • The Great Waterfall, Majestic Waterfall Amidst Red Cliffs and Bamboo Seas

Twohekou Town, Chishui City, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province
The waterfall is particularly spectacular


Located in the Danxia landform area, the Dapu waterfall is the largest waterfall in China's Danxia landform and one of the largest waterfalls in the Yangtze River basin. It features magnificent mountains, waterfalls, and bamboo forests, offering a unique charm of the Danxia landform. The Chishui waterfall at the bottom of the valley is even more stunning and breathtaking. The Zhongdong waterfall in the middle of the scenic area is often overlooked by tourists, but it is just as beautiful as the Dapu waterfall and worth a visit. In addition, there are other attractions such as the Guanpu platform, Langqin Bay, Feihong Bridge, Yiwulu, Xianwutai, and Anpu stone, adding more colors and charm to the scenic area.
Twohekou Town, Chishui City, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:00 (all day)
last admission: 17:00 (Mon-Sun from Mar 1 to Nov 3) 08:30-16:30 (all day)
last admission: 16:30 (Mon-Sun from Nov 4 to Feb 28 of the following year)
Take the direct tourist bus line 6 or line 7 of Chishui Danxia to the Big Waterfall (bus stop), which is within walking distance.