Sea Donkey Island, A Paradise for Seabirds Amidst Blooming Hibiscus

Hailv Island Scenic Area, Huanhai Road, Rongcheng City, Weihai City, Shandong Province
Many seagulls are seen flying around the boat


Seal Island is renowned for its enchanting scenery worldwide. It lies quietly above the sea, providing a perfect place for seabirds to roost and breed. The island is home to numerous seagulls, which are known as "sea cats" by the locals. Therefore, Seal Island is also referred to as "Cat Island." Every spring, the blooming hibiscus on the island attracts white egrets, a nationally protected animal, to come and build nests and lay eggs. They stay until autumn before leaving with their fledglings. Furthermore, Seal Island is also a paradise for flowers and plants, with charming hibiscus, reeds, and wild jujube trees scattered all over the place. The waves of the sea and the colorful flowers complement each other, creating a picturesque view of the island.
Hailv Island Scenic Area, Huanhai Road, Rongcheng City, Weihai City, Shandong Province
Opening hours
07:30-18:00 (All day) (Monday-Sunday, March 17-October 31)
Arrive at the boat dock in Xixiakou Village by boat, which takes about 15 minutes. There are boats from March to October every year, while they are not available during other months.