Zili Village Watchtower Group, A Fusion of Eastern and Western Architectural Marvels

Tangkou Liyuan Tourist Area, Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province
Watchtower is a special type of Han Chinese residential building


The Diaolou Cluster in Zili Village is the most densely distributed in Kaiping district. It was built in 1837 during the Qing dynasty by three natural villages named Anhe, He'an, and Yong'an. In the 20th century, overseas Chinese built many unique and exquisite Diaolous to protect the safety of their families and properties. Zili Village has a beautiful environment with water ponds, lotus ponds, rice fields, and grasslands everywhere, which complement the numerous western-style castles-like Diaolous. Zili Village has a total of nine Diaolous and six Watchtowers, but only the Ming Shi Lou and Yun Huan Lou are open to tourists, and the other Diaolous are closed with big locks. From March to April every year, rapeseed flowers bloom in Zili Village, and from April to May, it is the season of peach blossom bloom, making Zili Village very beautiful at that time.
Tangkou Liyuan Tourist Area, Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province
Opening hours
08:40-17:25 (all day) (January 1-December 31, Monday to Sunday)
Take bus line 617 to Zili Village bus stop in Kaiping, and it is within walking distance.