Jinjiangli Diaolou Cluster, A testament to opulence and heritage

Xiangang Town, Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, is located 22 kilometers northeast of the urban area of Kaiping City
Three distinctive watchtowers behind the village


There are three of the most attractive Diaolou buildings in the Jinjiangli Diaolou cluster, namely Shengfeng Lou, Jinjiang Lou and the Rui Shi Lou, also known as the "No.1 Diaolou in Kaiping". The Rui Shi Lou was built in around 1923, reaching a height of 9 stories and 25 meters, making it the tallest and typical Diaolou still remaining in Kaiping that can be lived in and defended. This building highlights the essence of the Kaiping Diaolou construction technology, with exquisite attention to detail in both the overall design and the interior decoration. The interior decoration of the building follows the style of the Lingnan architecture, and due to the strong financial resources of the overseas Chinese in Kaiping, high-end materials such as sourwood were used for furniture. After over a century of time, although the building was constructed in a humid and hot climate, it has almost never been repaired and has been well-preserved. This is a very precious architectural heritage.
Xiangang Town, Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, is located 22 kilometers northeast of the urban area of Kaiping City
Opening hours
09:00-17:00 (All day) (January 1 - December 31, Monday - Sunday)