Changsha Xiangjiang Scenic Belt, A Riverside Tapestry of Leisure and Splendor

Basha Road Xiangjiang Scenic Belt, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province
Beautiful Xiangjiang River, Xiangjiang water


The mother river of Changsha is the Xiangjiang River, which flows from south to north through Shaoshan into the city, forming a charming riverfront landscape. This scenic strip includes more than ten leisure and fitness plazas, green belts, and historical and cultural landscapes, all of which have unique charm during both day and night. Here you can enjoy one of the best views of fireworks displays, making the riverfront lively every weekend evening.
Basha Road Xiangjiang Scenic Belt, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province
Opening hours
All day (all year round, Monday to Sunday from January 1st to December 31st).
Bus: Take bus No.19, No.228, No.906, etc., get off at Qifeng Road Xintiao intersection (bus stop), and walk to your destination.