Naminoue Shrine, A serene sanctuary atop the coral cliffs

1 Chome 25-11 Wakasa, Naha shi, Okinawa ken 900-0031 Japan
"Wave on Palace" is one of the eight major shrines in Okinawa


Naminoue Shrine is a historic shrine where people used to pray to "NIRAI-KANAI (the paradise)" in early days. The shrine is located on a high cliff overlooking Naha Port, which used to serve as an important base for trade between countries. Whenever ships come and go from the port, people look up to Naminoue Shrine and its halls, praying for a safe journey and expressing gratitude. Additionally, locals also visit the shrine to pray for a bountiful harvest. Every January, the king leads the procession of celebrities from all over the country to visit the shrine and pray for peace. As the top-ranked shrine among Ryukyu Eight Shrines, Naminoue Shrine is highly respected by people for its status as the "first shrine in the country". During the Meiji period, it was listed as an official small shrine and became the greatest shrine in Okinawa. Despite being burned down during the war, this ancient shrine still stands tall after enduring centuries of hardships. It is worth mentioning that Naminoue Shrine has various beautiful charms, so don't miss them!
1 Chome 25-11 Wakasa, Naha shi, Okinawa ken 900-0031 Japan
Opening hours
9:30am to 4:30pm
Naha Airport - Transportation Information to Haebaru Shrine