Benesse House Museum, A fusion of art, architecture, and nature

ベネッセハウス ミュージアム
Kotanemachi, Kagawa-gun, Kagawa prefecture
There are many contemporary art works displayed in the museum


Benesse House is a modern art museum-style resort hotel located in the southern part of Naoshima. It is the main art facility of Benesse Corporation on the island and consists of four buildings: a museum, an oval, a park, and a beach. Each building is designed by architect Tadao Ando with unique designs and rooms for accommodation. The modern art museum facing the sea is the main attraction of Benesse House, showcasing works by many Japanese and foreign artists created according to the natural environment of Naoshima. In addition to the artworks in the museum and guest rooms, there are also nearly 20 artworks distributed around the grass and beach of Benesse, mostly located on the mountainside and coast of the museum, specially designed to blend in with the surrounding natural environment. Benesse House has restaurants, cafés, shops, and hot spring facilities that are open to both guests and day trip tourists. The privilege of using a private restaurant and entering the museum after hours is a special benefit for guests. Benesse House is the most luxurious hotel on the island, with accommodation costs starting at approximately 27,000 yen per night.
Kotanemachi, Kagawa-gun, Kagawa prefecture
Opening hours
8:00-21:00 (entry prohibited after 20:00)
It's a two-minute walk from this village harbor.