Angel Road, A fleeting path to love with the tides

Ginhama-ura area, Tsuchiura-cho, Azuki-gun, Kagawa prefecture
Countless lovers embrace at the site of an instant love sanctuary


On the way to the little island in the sea, you held hands with your loved one and walked 1.5 kilometers, bathing in the subtle atmosphere between the tides, as if feeling the warmth of love. This journey was so precious, allowing you to feel the value of happiness.
Ginhama-ura area, Tsuchiura-cho, Azuki-gun, Kagawa prefecture
Opening hours
Enquire from 9:00-17:00.
Take the express bus (Xipu line towards Xiaose) from Tuzhuang Port and get off at the International Hotel stop, which takes about 11 minutes. Then walk for 3 minutes to arrive.