Half Dome, Awe-inspiring natural wonder for climbers and hikers

Half Dome, Yosemite National Park
One of the most famous attractions in Yosemite


Half Dome is one of the famous attractions in Yosemite National Park, and is a pilgrimage site for climbers and hikers. In the glow of sunset, Half Dome is even more impressive. From Glacier Point, you can see this famous site. Although Half Dome itself does not belong to any scenic area, it is most convenient to depart from the misty trail of Yosemite Valley, requiring about 12 hours round trip. Of course, other routes can also be taken, but it takes at least a whole day to return. Every traveler wants to visit Half Dome and experience its iconic magnificence. It is 2964 meters high, and the huge reefs rise from the mountain base to a height of 415 meters. If the weather is clear, Half Dome is almost dyed red about half an hour before sunset. The breathtaking sight is irresistible. However, be sure not to climb the protruding rocks, as they are closed during the winter snow season.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


There is a parking lot
Free parking
Half Dome, Yosemite National Park
Walk along the path for about 300 meters from the Glacier Point parking lot.