Place Guillaume II, A Bustling Weekend Market with Historic Charm

Place Guillaume II, Luxemburg
There are vendor stands everywhere in the square


William II Square in the old town of Luxembourg is named after the Dutch King and Grand Duke of Luxembourg, William II. The square features a magnificent bronze statue of William II on horseback mounted on a marble pedestal, attracting many tourists to stop and take pictures. On the east side of the square is the Grand Ducal Palace of Luxembourg and on the south side is the Luxembourg City Hall, which was once the signing place of the Treaty of the European Coal and Steel Community. Normally, the square is very solemn and dignified, but on weekends it turns into a bustling market. Stalls selling flowers, fruits, vegetables, daily necessities, clothing, and more can be seen everywhere, with crowds of people surging. On the west side of the square is the Luxembourg Tourist Information Center, which not only provides tourist information but also regularly hosts cultural activities such as the Luxembourg Summer Jazz Festival and the City Summer Theme Culture Festival. Every weekend morning, it becomes the market of Luxembourg City.
Place Guillaume II, Luxemburg
Opening hours
Open for visitation all day.
Take any bus to Hamilius station, walk east along Montere street until the end, turn right for about 20 meters.