St. Peter's Church, Breathtaking Panoramic City Views

Reformācijas laukums 1, Riga
This is the tallest wooden building in Europe


St. Peter's Church is located in the center of Old Riga and is a Gothic building that has stood for hundreds of years. The church was built in the 13th century, while the Baroque-style bell tower was built in 1690. It used to be the tallest wooden church bell tower in the world and has gone through the vicissitudes of fate such as fire, earthquakes, and falling roofs. During reconstruction, the bell tower was replaced with a metal structure, and it now stands at a height of 123.25 meters, providing an excellent location to enjoy the panoramic view of Riga. If you want to visit the interior of the church, you need to purchase a ticket.
Reformācijas laukums 1, Riga
Opening hours
May to August Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-19:00, September to next April Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-18:00
ticket sales end one hour in advance.
Walking distance to the old town.