Brīvības Piemineklis, Symbol of Latvian Freedom and Valor

Brivibas street, Riga
Iconic buildings in Riga


The Freedom Monument is located in the city of Riga, Latvia and was built in 1935. The monument was built to honor soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country during the Independence War (1918-1920), and is a significant symbol of Latvia's freedom, independence, and sovereignty. At the top, a girl holding three stars faces west, representing Latvia's three regions, Kurzeme, Vidzeme, and Latgale. The sacred inscription "For Fatherland and Freedom" is also embedded at the top. If you have time, you can observe the changing of guards at the monument on clear days.
Brivibas street, Riga
Opening hours
Open 24/7.
5 minutes' walk from the Old Town in the direction of Brivibas Street.