Lee Ufan Museum, A Zen Journey of Minimalist Art

1390 Kuraura, Naoshima-cho, Kagawa-gun, Kagawa Prefecture


The Lee Ufan Museum is named after a famous Korean minimalist artist, located on Naoshima Island, and was completed and opened in 2010. The architectural master, Tadao Ando, was responsible for the design, and the museum's courtyard features Lee Ufan's stone and pillar works, exuding a strong sense of Zen and aesthetically pleasing.
1390 Kuraura, Naoshima-cho, Kagawa-gun, Kagawa Prefecture
Opening hours
March-September 10:00-18:00 (last admission at 17:30), October-February 10:00-17:00 (last admission at 16:30)