City Hall of SIngapore, A Historic Edifice of Colonial Grandeur

3 Saint Andrew's Road Singapore 178958
A landmark building in Singapore


Completed in 1929, the City Hall along St. Andrew's Road is an important site in Singapore's history that has witnessed many significant events. On September 12, 1945, the British accepted Japan's surrender here, officially declaring the end of Japan's occupation of Singapore. The City Hall was also the place where Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew announced Singapore's self-government (May 5, 1959) and the merger with Malaysia (September 16, 1963). On August 9, 1965, the first completely independent Singaporean government held its inauguration ceremony at the City Hall. It not only housed the prime minister's office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the former Ministry of Culture, but also served as the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Singapore, the Law Society of Singapore, the Public Service Commission, and the Industrial Arbitration Court. By 2015, the City Hall and the former Supreme Court building will be transformed into the National Art Gallery of Singapore.
3 Saint Andrew's Road Singapore 178958
Opening hours
Take the MRT to EW13/NS25 City Hall station and exit to the south.