Bao Gong Lake, A serene escape amidst historic marvels

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The westernmost point of the lake is the Bao Gong Temple


Baogong Lake is located within the city of Kaifeng in Henan Province, China. It is situated within the ancient city walls of the Song Dynasty, in the southwestern corner of the old city. The lake takes the shape of a tilted gourd, running in a northwest-southeast direction. It crosses the north-south road, Yingbin Road, off-center to the west and is bordered to the southwest by Baogong Lake South Road. Surrounding the lake are historic cultural attractions such as the Baogong Temple and Yanqing Temple.
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Opening hours
All day (every day from Monday to Sunday, January 1st to December 31st).
16, 28, and 24 bus routes all stop at Bao Gong Ci.