Kumamoto foraging: found a good taste

In Japan, searching for food in small towns is often a pleasure. Come and explore the streets and alleys of Kumamoto to find those hidden delicious flavors!

This is a famous restaurant in Kumamoto for horse meat sashimi. Since they have their own ranch, the horse meat they provide is very fresh. In Kumamoto, horse meat dishes are a must-try because the most famous delicacy in Kumamoto is this uniquely flavored horse meat. There are many ways to cook horse meat dishes, but the most highly recommended is horse meat sashimi. The raw meat is crispy and delicious. This place is quite popular, so remember to book in advance if you want to eat here!

Ajisen Ramen Headquarters

Ajisen Ramen World Headquarters, located in Kyushu, Kumamoto. If you have a special fondness for Ajisen Ramen, we recommend you come here to taste the flavor of Ajisen Ramen in Japan!
If you want to eat Japanese pork cutlet rice, Katsuretsutei is a must-visit. Katsuretsutei ranks first in the Kumamoto area on Tabelog, and its reputation is well-deserved. Their pork cutlets are large and thick, with a golden crispy crust and tender, juicy meat inside, unlike many dry pork cutlets you find domestically. Paired with the store's homemade sauces, you can eat a lot without feeling greasy!
Toraya is a very famous seafood restaurant in Kumamoto. Here, seafood sushi enthusiasts can indulge themselves because the restaurant offers a wide variety of seafood sushi rolls, and the portions are very generous. The pieces are quite large, so ladies might need a few bites to finish one. The horse meat nigiri sushi is a specialty of the restaurant. You can dine in or buy some packaged horse meat sashimi to take home as a souvenir.

Shiro Miru

The geographical location of Shiro Miru is a major feature, being very close to the ancient Kumamoto Castle. From the store, you can enjoy an unobstructed view of the endless scenery of Kumamoto Castle. Here, you can look up at the castle while facing Japan's premier long walls, drink and recite poetry. Even if you can't come up with any poetry, it's perfectly fine to lower your head and savor the local Kumamoto cuisine offered by the store. Their local chicken dishes are also said to be quite good.

Sumo Sushi Taipo Room

Sumo Sushi Taipo Room is a great place to eat sushi in Kumamoto. It is a typical small Japanese sushi shop with a very small storefront. However, the small space allows for more direct and convenient interaction between the sushi chef and the customers. You eat one, and the sushi chef will make you another one on the spot and ask if it tastes good. The fish is caught on the spot, and within 5 minutes, a plate of sashimi will be cut and presented in front of you, with a freshness that will make you want to cry.