Busan Instagrammable Restaurant Guide

Busan is the second largest city in South Korea, located on the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. It is also the most important port city in South Korea, often referred to as the "Seoul of the South." It is also a popular tourist destination, with many trendy shops and locations for taking pictures and checking in.


At the entrance of the popular fish cake shop, a realistic fish cake model is prominently displayed, catching everyone's eye.

Monster Pie

The shop is filled with a light fruit fragrance and is lined with fresh and delicious fruit cakes.

EDGE 993

Photography-loving sisters, don't miss out! Come and explore the rooftop open-air sea view café!

Cafe Rooftop

A fresh forest-like style, the cafe has a strong influencer vibe.

Before Sunset

A film-themed café with an artistic style, the atmosphere is very evocative.