6 lesser-known filming locations in Turkey. How many do you know?

When you come to Turkey, how can you miss these six niche photo spots that are a must-visit for art-loving youths? Come and get this ultimate weapon to dominate your friends' circle!

Istanbul-Galata Bridge

The Galata Bridge, located in the Golden Horn Bay, connects Istanbul's new and old city areas. During the day, it is full of traffic, with trams, cars, and taxis. In the evening, there are more local fishermen, and the bridge is lively with the calls of boats below. The best time for photos is during sunset, when the interplay of different light creates a stunning visual impact.


Whenever you arrive at the Galata Tower, the area under the bridge is always crowded with tourists from various countries. Aside from those who climb to the top of the tower, the others just take pictures around it. It can be really difficult to take a photo without any tourists in it! It's recommended to blur out the tourists and capture the entire angle of the Galata Tower!
Still scrambling for houses in Sudan? Not necessary! This is a super-high cost-effective cave hotel! The important thing is that it's beautiful for taking pictures! The owner is a simple middle-aged man with glasses and a smiling face! Best time for taking pictures: if you want to take pictures of hot air balloons in the sky, you need to get up before 6 o'clock to shoot, the rest of the time you can take beautiful pictures of the swimming pool.

Cappadocia-Göreme Kafkasya Hotel

This hotel is located very close to the place where hot air balloons take off, and it is at the southern end of the town of Goreme. You can find a scenery with hot air balloons rising in the background. The halfway up the mountain is very close to the hotel, and it takes less than ten minutes to drive an ATV there. The owner is very enthusiastic and if you show him the photos you want to take, he will tell you where to go. The best time to take photos is between 6-7am, and you should arrive before 6am.

Cappadocia - Galerie Ikman Carpet Shop

Kapa's carpet shop is a relatively fresh photo spot! It's full of exotic flavors! Many European and American travel bloggers check in here, but due to the increasing number of people taking photos, some even affecting the normal business of the owner, some carpet shops charge for photography! However, today I recommend one that is currently free and has a high appearance value! Hurry up and explore it before it's charged!


Here is the colorful house you've been longing for! The coordinates are taken from a restaurant on Balat Street in Istanbul. The name Balat comes from palation, meaning a Greek temple, and it is close to Balat Mountain. This is an ancient and joyful community where you can see many children playing and running around on the streets.