What are the must-try dairy products in Yining?

Xinjiang has always been a paradise for dairy product lovers, and Yining is no exception. Today, let's go and explore the must-try delicacies in Yining together.

Wusun Kazakh Milk Tea House

Forget about the trendy and artsy vibe of the milk tea shop when drinking Kazakh milk tea. Here, we only have robust salty milk tea. And I believe you will also enjoy this kind of milk tea.

Ice cream

The most famous shop in Yining that makes this kind of Uzbek-style ice cream is undoubtedly Izzaher in Karamay.

Shaved ice yoghurt

Don't miss out on yogurt when you come to Yining. Just have shaved ice yogurt directly in the summer. It can be found everywhere and tastes really good.

Supermarket milk

The milk sold in Yining City is raw milk, which needs to be boiled before drinking. It only costs 4 yuan for one kilogram of milk, cheaper than water. So don't miss the chance to drink milk here.