Recommended off-the-beaten-path self-driving routes for tourism in Fujian, exploring picturesque landscapes with ancient charm

Give self-driving travelers some route suggestions. Fujian is not just Gulangyu and Tulou, there are also many beautiful off-the-beaten-path travel destinations~

JiuXianShan in Dehua

The highest point of Jiuxian Mountain in Quanzhou, with beautiful scenery, feels like entering a fairyland when visiting. It is possible to encounter snow or rime when going up the mountain in winter. Shiniu Mountain has magical legends and many caves. The summit is enveloped by clouds and mist, making it an excellent place to watch the sunrise.

Yongchun Niulimlin Ecotourism Area

Niuhulin is the best-preserved and most characteristic primary forest group in southern Fujian Province, known as the "Xishuangbanna of Southern Fujian". The scenic area also offers attractions such as a high-altitude cableway, grass sliding, and archery.

Yongtai Qingyun Mountain Scenic Area

Yongtai Qingyun Mountain is mainly known for its waterfalls, with the most famous one being the Qinglong Waterfall with a drop of over 80 meters. Other popular attractions include Yixiantian, Baima Shuangxi, Baima Waterfall, and Shuilian Xianjing.

San Duao Tourist Scenic Area

Santo Antão is not only a famous deep-water sheltered harbor but also a place of scenic beauty with both mountains and sea. The surrounding area of the tourist spot features famous attractions such as the Doumao Scenic Area, "General's Peak," "Penholder Mountain," and "Sea Monkey" along with the former Spanish Gothic-style church and convent on Santo Antão Island.

Paitian Ancient Dwellings

Peitian Ancient Hakka Residential Buildings is a well-preserved complex of ancient Hakka residences from the Ming and Qing dynasties in China, known as the "ancestral land of the Hakka people" in western Fujian, and hailed as the "Folk Forbidden City".
The Taining Geological Museum covers an area of 120 mu, featuring the Geology Celebrity Avenue, Earth Science Popularization Exhibition Hall, Taining Strange Stones, Classical Gardens, and GIS demonstration system. The museum includes an indoor geological exhibition hall and an outdoor garden landscape.