What are the beautiful fairyland attractions in northern Xinjiang? Let's take a look together

Going to Xinjiang is an indispensable experience in life, known as the "Eastern Switzerland". Without leaving home, you can appreciate exotic customs. It can be divided into Southern Xinjiang and Northern Xinjiang, with the Tianshan Mountains as the boundary, and the natural scenery predominates in Northern Xinjiang. So, what are the stunning and heavenly scenic spots in Northern Xinjiang? Let's take a look together.

This is a photographer's paradise, just as its name implies, it is a "beautiful and rich, mysterious and unfathomable" place.
This is a place that seems like you can touch paradise just by reaching out, it's very beautiful.

Coco To Paradise Scenic Area

For those who understand it, saying that it is the most well-preserved seismic fault zone in the world is not enough to fully highlight its glorious history. It is also known as a "highly classified area", and the third cave left behind here is proof of this secret, making an indelible contribution to China's nuclear and defense industries. While exploring the historical and cultural aspects, the unique natural beauty here is also worth experiencing. Recommended visiting time is 3-4 hours.

Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area

Tianshan Tianchi, with its snow-capped peaks reflected in the water, surrounded by cypress trees, and crystal-clear blue water like a mirror, is a picturesque place. It is characterized by a complete vertical natural landscape belt, with snow-capped mountains, glaciers, and alpine lakes as its main features. It is also known for its ancient myth of the Queen Mother of the West and its unique religious and ethnic customs. It is the best destination for sightseeing, scientific exploration, adventure, relaxation, fitness, and experiencing ethnic culture.

Lake Saiful Muluk

This is the last tear on the Atlantic, in fact, it is the final destination after warm and humid airflow from the Atlantic passes through Europe. The Lakeside Highway is over 50 kilometers long and has various viewing platforms, offering different perspectives.

Kara-jun Desert Prairie

Here the flowers are in full bloom, picturesque, with beautiful scenery such as the Karajun Grassland, Kuksu Grand Canyon, snow-capped peaks of Zhongtianshan, and the pristine forest. Recommended for a one-day tour, the Karajun Grassland is located in the southern Karajun Mountains, Tekes County, Yili River Valley, Xinjiang, about 20 kilometers away from the county seat.