The Soul of Mount Taihang - Wangxiangyan Scenic Area

One of the main scenic spots in the Taihang Grand Canyon is Wangxiangyan, known as the soul of Taihang. Above the entrance gate to the scenic area, the three characters "Wangxiangyan" are very eye-catching, written by Zhang Chongya, who was the county magistrate of Linxian in the 10th year of the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1583). How did Wangxiangyan get its name? Legend has it that more than 3,300 years ago, in the 11th century BC, King Wu Ding of the Shang Dynasty and his prime minister Fu Shuo, who was born a slave, lived here. The king's residence was here, so this place was called Wangxiangyan.

Danghun Bridge

This bridge is designed to mimic natural ecology. It is 50 meters long, 8 meters high, and 2 meters wide. The bridge is suspended by iron chains and has a deck made of pine wood planks. When people walk on it, their bodies sway and their spirits seem to float with the bridge, hence the name 'Danghun Bridge' (Soul-Swaying Bridge).

Hanging Plank Road

A very perilous hanging plank road has been built on the cliff where monkeys struggle to climb. The plank road is divided into two parts. Below is a 138-step staircase that is 50 meters high. Despite the railings, looking down from the narrow plank road can be a heart-pounding experience.

Wangxiangyan Waterfall

During the flood season, the water of Wangxiangyan Waterfall gushes out from the mountain stream, washing over the jagged riverbed rocks, splashing waves three to four meters high, and the sound of the flowing water is deafening.

Sky Tube Ladder

Continuing forward, you will reach the Sky Tube Ladder. It is a steel structure spiral ladder standing upright beside the cliff, known as the 'First Tube Ladder in Asia'. The ladder is 88 meters high, with a diameter of 3 meters and 331 steps. From a distance, the ladder looks like a large green twist.