Go to Anyang, Henan, and visit the Taihang Grand Canyon

"China National Geographic" once said, "The most beautiful section of the Taihang Mountains is in Henan. The cliffs are like knife and ax, the waterfalls and springs are agile and elegant, and the canyons are mysterious and deep. The majestic and beautiful Northern mountain peaks are vividly reflected in the southern Taihang Mountains. The Taihang Grand Canyon Scenic Area is a national 5A tourist attraction, a national key scenic spot, and a national geopark. The Taihang Grand Canyon Scenic Area is located at the junction of Shanxi and Henan provinces, spanning the northwest of Linzhou, Anyang City, with an elevation of 800-1736 meters and a relative height difference of about 1000 meters."

Wang Xiangyan Scenic Area

Wang Xiangyan is one of the main scenic areas in the Taihang Grand Canyon, known as the soul of Taihang. The three large characters 'Wang Xiangyan' above the entrance gate of the scenic area are very striking. They were written by Zhang Chongya, who served as the county magistrate of Lin County in the tenth year of the Ming Wanli period (1583).

Peach Blossom Valley Scenic Area

Peach Blossom Valley is a valley within a valley, stretching 4 km from east to west and 3.5 km from north to south, with a touring area of 14 square kilometers. The elevation ranges from 800 to 1736 meters, with a height difference of nearly 1 kilometer. Inside the valley, towering peaks rise steeply, and the winding Peach Blossom Creek runs through the entire gorge. The riverbanks are draped with grasses and vines, and dense forests stretch endlessly. The mountain wind roars, and the green waves roll like a sea. The stream flowing down the valley forms waterfalls, which fall into pools, with waterfalls connecting the pools. Peaks and ridges, mountain springs, cliffside waterfalls, and interconnected ravines create the picturesque and serene water charm of Peach Blossom Valley.

Taihang Sky Road Scenic Area

The 'Taihang Sky Road' scenic area is located at the top of Taihang Mountain, starting from Taohuagu Scenic Area in the north and extending to Xianxiagu Scenic Area in the south, with a total length of about 30km. It is not only an important part of the scenic area's loop tour road but also an excellent spot to overlook the magnificent scenery of Taihang Mountain. Taking a sightseeing bus along the Taihang Sky Road is like being in a hundred-mile-long gallery, with grand and majestic traditional Chinese landscape paintings everywhere you look. The deep gorges and vertical rock walls provide a strong visual impact for visitors. Along the Taihang Sky Road, more than 10 viewing platforms are set up according to the mountain's terrain, offering expansive views that make people feel open-minded and refreshed.

Canyon Rafting Scenic Area

The entire course is 4500 meters long with a drop of 85 meters. It is located in the mountainous forest belt, with lush trees on both sides of the river and spectacular scenery. It is known as the 'sunburn-free rafting' and is truly an 'ecological oxygen bar rafting'. The Taihang Grand Canyon rafting facilities are advanced and among the best in the province, with a full monitoring system and air source heat pump hot water supply, ensuring a brand new rafting experience for you.

Xianxia Valley Scenic Area

Xianxia Valley, also known as 'Xian Gorge', is located south of the 'Taihang Grand Canyon' in Linzhou, Henan, 31 kilometers from Linzhou City. It is a gorge west of Gaojiatai Village in Shibanyan Township, Linzhou City, approximately 4.5 kilometers long and 0.5 kilometers wide, with the narrowest point being only 2 meters. The valley is flanked by steep mountains, with numerous strange peaks, dense vegetation, and babbling streams. It is a rare free scenic area. You would be embarrassed if you haven't visited such a scenic spot.