Traveling to Qingdao with kids is not only fun but also rewarding!

Qingdao has pleasant sea breeze and beautiful scenery, making it one of the popular destinations for family trips in China. However, it can be a headache for parents to take their children out to play. Children's interests may be different from adults', so how should we play with children in Qingdao to make them happy and gain something? This guide will answer your questions.

Qingdao Zhanqiao Pier

Zhanqiao Pier is one of the iconic buildings of Qingdao and undoubtedly the top must-visit spot in Qingdao. At the end of the pier is Huilan Pavilion, which is said to be the inspiration for the Qingdao Beer logo. You can visit inside Huilan Pavilion, but there is an entrance fee. Inside, there are some calligraphy and paintings, as well as old items related to Qingdao, which might be a bit boring for children. However, the rocks by the pier are definitely a paradise for kids. The rising and falling sea water here is one of Qingdao's landmarks, and it is also the first must-visit spot in Qingdao. There are many small puddles on the rocks where children can find small shrimps, clams, and crabs. There are also many oysters stuck to the rocks that can be pried off by hand, which is very interesting. Children will have a lot of fun playing here.
As everyone knows, Qingdao is a summer resort, but in winter, Qingdao also has unique scenery. From November each year to February the next year, thousands of seagulls come to Qingdao to overwinter. These seagulls are not afraid of people at all and can interact closely with them. The best place to watch seagulls, I think, must be May Fourth Square. A large number of seagulls gather on the seaside of May Fourth Square. Standing on the seawall, you are almost at the same height as the circling seagulls. For just one yuan, you can buy a bag of cut steamed buns. Seagulls will directly snatch the buns from your hand, and placing the buns on your head will also attract mischievous seagulls. Take this opportunity to let children interact closely with seagulls and educate them on how to protect animals.
The Second Seaside Bathing Beach, also known as 'Taipingjiao Seaside Bathing Beach,' is located within the Badaguan Scenic Area. Unlike other seaside bathing beaches in Qingdao, the Second Seaside Bathing Beach charges an entrance fee of two yuan per ticket, and the management is relatively well-organized. It is considered the cleanest seaside bathing beach in Qingdao's urban area, with an excellent beach featuring soft sand that feels comfortable underfoot, making it ideal for children to dig and build sandcastles. With a shovel and a bucket, kids can have a great time playing for an entire afternoon.


Now that you are in Qingdao, you must take your children to the seaside. There are two large aquariums in Qingdao: one is the old Qingdao Underwater World, and the other is the recently popular Haichang Polar Ocean World. In the Underwater World, which currently has the most diverse marine animal species in China, you can see colorful fish, glowing fish, and various other rare fish species. Additionally, the Underwater World features an underwater tunnel where you can see a multitude of marine animals, including various fish and sea turtles swimming overhead, creating a fantastical experience that children will absolutely love. At the Qingdao Haichang Polar Ocean World, which is known for its beluga whale and dolphin shows, you can watch performances by polar bears, dolphins, penguins, seals, and other animals in the Dolphin Exhibition Hall, Polar Ocean Hall, Marine Science Hall, and Happy Theater. If you're lucky, you might even get to interact closely with a beluga whale. Speaking of which, when I was a child, I was once selected to interact with a beluga whale, touched its fin, and even had it gently nudge my cheek. It was definitely a unique life experience!

Fantawild Dreamland

I believe there are no children who don't like amusement parks. Taking kids to Qingdao Fantawild will definitely let them have a blast. Unlike foreign amusement park brands like Disney and Universal Studios, Fantawild Kingdom has more Chinese characteristics. Qingdao Fantawild has more unique attractions, such as 'The Taoist of Laoshan,' which uses a series of high-tech special effects to tell the legend of the Taoist of Laoshan in Qingdao. Children will definitely be interested in this. In addition, Qingdao Fantawild has specially launched some parent-child projects, such as 'Light of Life' and 'Children's Dreamland,' which are highly entertaining and educational, making them very suitable for parents and children to experience together.