Take you to explore the most iconic attractions in Tianjin with the local natives

What are some classic tourist attractions in Tianjin? Let's follow this local Tianjin resident and take a look together.

The Tianjin Eye is a must-see. Take a ride on the cable car, slowly rotating, overlooking the winding mother river. The rushing river waters, nurturing the people of Tianjin, along with the uniquely designed bridges, form a beautiful scenery on the Haihe River. You can also see vehicles and pedestrians bustling through the streets and alleys. At night, the Haihe River appears particularly peaceful.

Haihe River

As the mother river of Tianjin, the Haihe River is a must-visit place. Starting from the Tianjin Eye, there are many boat docks along the Haihe River for sightseeing cruises.
The Five Avenues feature a collection of foreign-style buildings from different countries. Walking along the Five Avenues gives people a sense of the Xiamen Gulangyu Island and Qingdao Badaguan's fresh and delightful atmosphere. The Five Avenues, which do not require an entrance ticket, even during holidays, do not feel overcrowded because they cover a large area and the crowd is dispersed. You can always find a corner to quietly appreciate the relaxation and beauty.

Tianjin Haihe Italian Style Town

During the day, the streets with an Italian atmosphere feel different from at night. At night, the streets are brightly lit, with various French, Russian, Thai, and Japanese restaurants that also double as bars, where live music is played, making you feel as if you are in a foreign country.
There are delicious food and handicrafts on the ancient cultural street, which are most commonly seen during the Spring Festival. During this one-month period, there are many vendors selling money and lanterns on the street. People usually come to the ancient cultural street to buy these festive goods. The streets are bustling with excitement, decorated with lanterns and full of the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

Drum Tower Commercial District

The central clock tower divides the entire drum tower into four parts: southeast, northwest. There are various shops selling handicrafts, antiques, calligraphy and painting, and writing brushes and inkstones. There are many experts in the drum tower. If you are interested in these collections, you must take a serious stroll in the drum tower and look for the traces of old Tianjin.
This is a genuine food street, where you can eat from morning till night. The food street, hotel street, and clothing street are all well-connected, making it a convenient location in the southern city. As for our Tianjin-style fried pancake with fillings, I particularly enjoy the crispy pancake with a fragrant sauce, the taste of mung bean skin, the flavor of scallions, and scrambled eggs. It truly makes for a delicious fried pancake with fillings.
Nan Cuiping is a large suburban ecological park, offering fishing, hills, meadows, shade, and blooming flowers. Also known as the "Mountain Pile" Park, Nan Cuiping is the only mountain in downtown Tianjin.

Pan Mountain Scenic Area

Tianjin's backyard, located in the Pan Mountain Scenic Area of Jizhou, is a great summer retreat.