The Duku Highway | A panoramic view of the scenic spots along the Tianshan Mountain

From North Xinjiang to South Xinjiang, the DuKu Highway to the stunning Tianlu Road that runs along the Tianshan Mountain ridge, I recommend to you to travel from the Nalati Grasslands to the Jiuhuan Shiba Wan, and then return to the Tianshan Mountain to visit the majestic Tianchi lakes. These are all must-visit routes for your self-driving journey.

Nalati Grassland

Nalati Grassland is a very well-developed scenic area with convenient dining and accommodation facilities nearby, and a strong commercial atmosphere. The scenic area is divided into three routes: the Aerial Grassland, the Valley Grassland, and the Panlong Ancient Road. These three routes are not connected to each other and each requires a separate ticket. Visitors need to purchase tickets at the Nalati West Gate Visitor Center and take shuttle buses to visit fixed attractions one by one. The most popular routes are the Aerial Grassland and the Valley Grassland. The Aerial Grassland has an average altitude of over 2200 meters, and the grassland seems to be sitting in the air, hence the name 'Aerial Grassland'. From the viewing points, you can see lush greenery, especially in summer when the water and grass are most abundant, offering the best scenery.

Bayanbulak Grassland

Bayanbulak Grassland is the second largest grassland in China. Most of the people living here are descendants of the famous Mongolian Torghut tribe. Within the grassland scenic area, you can see the Donggui temples of the Torghut tribe and the oboos adorned with prayer flags. The annual Donggui Naadam Festival is held here every July.

Nine Bends and Eighteen Turns

In the evening, you can climb the Basilik (Nine Bends and Eighteen Turns) viewing platform to photograph the sunset over the Kaidu River. If the timing is right, you can see the afterglow of the sunset perfectly reflected in the nine bends of the Kaidu River, creating the illusion of nine suns.

Swan Lake (North Gate)

Deep in the grasslands lies China's only swan sanctuary, 'Swan Lake'. Every year from March to April, nearly ten thousand swans breed and live here, with a stay period of over six months.

Kuikewusu Stone Forest

Travel approximately 40 kilometers southwest along the Duku Highway, and you will see a sign on the right indicating 'Tianshan Stone Forest'. Follow the sign for 73 kilometers to reach the Tianshan Stone Forest scenic area under the Kuikewusu Daban. The stone forest is composed of wind-eroded semi-cemented conglomerate rock layers, a typical stone 'Yadan landform', formed by long-term external forces shaping the mountains. The scenery is extremely magnificent.

Dalongchi Tourist Scenic Area

Returning to the Duku Highway, travel about 80 kilometers deeper into the southern Tianshan Mountains, passing by the large and small Longchi. About 120 kilometers from Kuqa, deep in the Tianshan Mountains, there are two alpine lakes. They are called Dalongchi and Xiaolongchi, and the scenery is very beautiful and charming. At an altitude of 2390 meters, adjacent to National Highway 217, these are two snow mountain lakes with a small area. The water is dark green, like two pearls embedded deep in the Tianshan Mountains.