Per capita is not high, a must-go spot for foodies to explore and check in, the South China Sea delicacies

Foshan ancient and modern show, food world fragrance. Tour Feihong's hometown, taste Foshan cuisine.

Yakiniku, grilled meat on a stove

The shop of Xishao is not greasy or smoky. The decoration style incorporates modern industrial elements and green plants, which is the owner's careful thought, making the process of grilling meat easy and comfortable.

Meow cafe

This small shop, which occupies two floors, has 10 "employees" who don't know anything. When you come here, they are the ones in charge.

Serious family

The pre-dining ritual is extremely ceremonial. The staff directly sears it with a flamethrower, and the sizzling sound is accompanied by the aroma of oil. The fragrance of butter and beef instantly merge into one...


In addition to hot pot, there is even a fish dish called "Yuan Yang Guo", which combines two flavors and can be eaten together!