Here is the Qinhuangdao Strawberry Picking Map

On the recent island, when spring is in full bloom and the sunshine is bright, what's the best thing to do? Of course, it's strawberry picking! Yes, it's that time of the year again to indulge in strawberries. Strawberries are ripe from November to April of the following year. Just the thought of their sweet and tangy taste makes my mouth water uncontrollably~

Yusheng Strawberry Picking Garden

Personally discover the large and robust strawberries under the layers of green leaves, gently pick them and put them in your mouth to savor the full and sweet taste. Just thinking about it makes your mouth water. These small strawberries embody the simple farmers' pursuit of deliciousness!

Qingxi Agricultural Fun Park Strawberry Picking

Lianyu is surrounded by mountains, with the Lianyu River meandering through it. It also boasts historical sites, cultural and natural landscapes, rich and diverse, making it a hidden paradise near the city's outskirts.

Jifa Agricultural Dream Kingdom

Here you can see the land turning green with the spring breeze, breathe in the air rich in negative oxygen ions, and relax your body and mind! Let the newly sprouted green buds in the garden please your eyes, and let the faint fragrance of strawberries take you into a magical pastoral world!

Xiaodong Strawberry Picking Garden

The strawberries in the garden seem to be influenced by the owner, growing beautifully. A gentle bite reveals delicate, sweet flesh, filled with the taste of happiness.

Leyeh Strawberry Picking Garden

The enthusiastic owner will take you to visit various greenhouse areas first, introducing the characteristics of each type of strawberry in detail. You can pick a few to taste, and then choose your favorite greenhouse area to pick strawberries. It's really a lot of fun.

Zhishuang Milk Strawberry Picking Garden

In the blooming spring, return to green nature and feel the artistic atmosphere. Step into the Milk Strawberry Picking Garden, personally experience the joy of picking, taste high-quality fresh strawberries, and enjoy rural leisure and entertainment.