Top 8 must-visit places in Lanzhou

Although many tourists consider Lanzhou as a transit station for traveling in the northwest, the attractions here are also remarkable and will not disappoint!

Yellow River Iron Bridge

The Yellow River Iron Bridge, also known as Zhongshan Bridge, is located in Chengguan District and is one of the most important landmarks in Lanzhou. It is a must-visit place for tourists in Lanzhou. The iron bridge is over 200 meters long and about seven to eight meters wide, retaining the black iron frame from its construction over a hundred years ago, giving it a very ancient look. During the repairs over the past century, five large iron arches have been added to the bridge, making it grand and beautiful. At the southern end of the bridge, there are three large golden characters 'Zhongshan Bridge' and an ancient stone tablet inscribed with 'The First Bridge of the Yellow River'. Many tourists take photos here every day as a memento of their visit to Lanzhou.
Baita Mountain Park is located near the center of Lanzhou City on the northern bank of the Yellow River. The entrance is connected to Zhongshan Bridge, making it an important attraction in Lanzhou. Baita Mountain is most famous for the ancient white pagoda at its summit. There are also several palace-style buildings on the mountain, surrounded by many trees, making it a great place for hiking, photography, and exercise. More importantly, climbing Baita Mountain offers a spectacular panoramic view of Lanzhou City, with a very wide field of vision.
Gansu Provincial Museum is located in Qilihe District, Lanzhou City. The museum houses numerous precious cultural relics and treasures, ranking among the top museums in the country in terms of its richness and diversity. It is a must-visit place when touring Lanzhou City. Due to Gansu's location on the Silk Road and its position at the intersection of Han and Tibetan regions, the museum exhibits a large number of artifacts reflecting the cultures of the Western Regions, Central Plains, and Tibetan areas. These artifacts are diverse and unique, making the museum well worth a visit. The museum's bronze statue of the Galloping Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow and the Brick Painting of the Courier are renowned national treasures that should not be missed.
Waterwheel Expo Park is located on the south bank of the Yellow River on East Binhe Road in Lanzhou City. It is part of the green corridor of Binhe Road and a famous theme park in Lanzhou. The park is based on the famous Lanzhou Yellow River waterwheel and gathers various waterwheels from all over the country, showcasing them within the park. Visitors can learn about the characteristics of waterwheels from different regions. The park also features ponds, flowers, sculptures, and other landscapes, offering a beautiful environment.

Mother River Statue

The Mother River Statue is located in the middle section of Binhe Road on the south bank of the Yellow River in Lanzhou. It is considered the most beautiful sculpture among the many artistic representations of the Yellow River, the mother river of the Chinese nation.
You can enjoy the beautiful night view of Lanzhou here.

Zhangye Road Pedestrian Street

Zhangye Road has always been a landmark and core area of Lanzhou, somewhat similar to Wangfujing in Beijing or Nanjing Road in Shanghai. It is home to various department stores, specialty shops, and retail outlets. If you want to shop in Lanzhou, this is a great place to visit.
The top university in Lanzhou.