Appreciate the natural scenery and tourist attractions in the southeast lake area of Qiandao Lake

The islands here are as small as pearls and as large as emerald peaks, comparable to the stunning scenery of Guilin. They are not only beautiful, but also magnificent, surpassing the grandeur of Taihu Lake and Dongting Lake.

Huangshan Summit: Overlooking "The world belongs to all."

Huangshan Jian, located on the Pearl Peninsula in the Southeast Lake District, is known for its "beautiful water, unique islands, and secluded scenery". With its vast blue waters and magnificent scenery, it is the highest island in the Pearl Archipelago. Compared to Meifeng Island, there are fewer tourists, making it considered the most worthwhile island to visit in both Lake Districts of Qiandao Lake. Standing atop the mountain, more than ninety islands come into view, each with their own unique shapes and densities, resembling strings of pearls scattered on the lake surface. The natural beauty is indescribable.

Daye Island: suitable for all ages

Tianchi Island, also known as "Gem Mountain", has seven stone pools formed by stone mining on the mountaintop. The pools have water and fish, which are the essence of Tianchi Island. The stone quality of the tea garden here is excellent, hence the saying "beautiful stones in the world are produced in tea gardens".

Honey Mountain Island: Hidden ancient temples in lush green mountains and a jade lake

Honey Mountain Island is a small island full of Zen flavor in Qiandao Lake. There is a Honey Mountain Zen Temple on the mountaintop. The story of "Three Monks without Water" that we have heard from childhood happened here. Since ancient times, Honey Mountain has been a Buddhist holy place, attracting many devout believers and flourishing incense. It has now become a unique and enchanting paradise on the lake.

Qiandao Lake Forest Oxygen Bar: Nature's Gift

The lush greenery, gurgling streams, and damp air after the rain in Qiandao Lake Forest Oxygen Bar, the largest and best forest scenic area on Qiandao Lake, make it a great place for oxygen therapy and lung cleansing.

Thousand Island Lake Stone Forest: The first stone forest in East China

Qiandao Lake Stone Forest is a natural landscape with the characteristics of "secluded, mysterious, strange, and dangerous". It is famous for its stone scenery and is a unique natural scenic spot. The peaks and rocks in the scenic area have unique shapes, and there are countless rocks resembling humans, objects, birds, and animals. It is known as the "Natural Animal Museum" and is unparalleled in terms of its size, scale, and landscape in the East China region. It is hailed as the "Number One Stone Forest in East China".

Longchuan Bay: a lake-type wetland

Longchuan Bay, located in the southwestern lake area of Qiandao Lake, is surrounded by islands of various sizes, with winding harbors and twists and turns, forming the picturesque scenery of "islands in the lake and lake on the island". It is the only lake-type wetland in Qiandao Lake and will definitely impress you. Not only that, there are also many communes here, such as the 70s commune and the 80s commune, which easily evoke memories of that era. What's more, there are few people here, making it a perfect place to relax and enjoy the scenery.

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